Bio & Mission

Help school children cover the earth with a billion trees a year. Children love germinating and then nurturing 10,000 trees in their school playgrounds in tropical regions around the globe… 10,000 saplings are grown in an area the size of 4 parking spaces in three months. Three million dollars worth of trees can be germinated in a tiny schoolyard tree nursery. These 10,000 trees are then planted by students at home and given to 5 more schools for additional tree nurseries. Within a couple of years, these 10,000 trees will produce two million seeds yearly, providing families income and the opportunity to germinate more trees. The trees also pull down half a million pounds of carbon yearly for a more stable climate. Young people want to nurture nature, and planting trees everywhere fills them with Joy! The small act of planting trees becomes a big deal when children understand the gift of Trees.

Thousands of products and food come from trees that children will need in the future. By 2030 we must set up 100,000 School Yard Nurseries in the tropics planting one billion trees a year. Within a few years, there will be a trillion tree seeds each year from billions of trees planted and nurtured by kids. Be part of it. Click: and pick the gift you like for your support. MORE Foundation Group is a non-profit devoted to a healthy green beautiful planet. Donations are also tax-deductible. Be part of it, love our world, love trees and kids!


MORE Tree Nurserys for 200,000 schools ultimately pulls down more carbon than is released worldwide each year. Establish one 5,000 tree nursery(MTNs) in each of 200,000 schools in the tropics every year, germinating one billion trees annually. Each MORE Tree Nursery (MTN) with 5,000 trees will pull down one hundred (100) tons of carbon every year while improving soil fertility and air quality. These same trees will produce over a million pounds of tree-based food within a few years annually. There are health, economic, environmental, and social benefits that every nation can enjoy from covering the earth with trees again. Let the children grow their future.

Group is MORE Foundation Group (MFG)

MFG is a non-profit dedicated to improving our environment and reducing our carbon footprint by planting trees and upcycling single-use plastic waste material.  The MORE Foundation Group demonstrates Modular Organic Regenerative Environments (MORE) and offers free training to schools in the tropics that wish to teach Profiting from Conservation.



1.  Is   PLANTTREESFORME.ORG a non-profit organization ?     Answer:  Yes, PLANTTRESSFORME.ORG is MORE Foundation Group (MFG), which has been a registered Delaware non-profit working in Africa  since 1999.
2.  Why is MORE Foundation Group working in Africa?    Answer:  Africa has a great need for reforestation and has perpetual year round sunshine to support germination of diverse tree varieties.
3.  How many trees does MFG plant in Africa every year?   Answer:  We plant over 50 Thousand Trees every month or over 600,000 trees each year. With your help we hope to at least double the number of trees planted over the next year.
4.  Where in Africa are you currently working?  Answer:  We are working in Ghana, West Africa.
5.  Who plants the MFG trees?  Answer:  Trees are grown in MFG nurseries of 5000 trees each in secured school yards, then distributed to students and their teachers to be planted in their school yard , backyards , community and public spaces.
6.  What is your tree survival rate?  Answer:  MFG germinates all trees in secured school yards, as a result MFG has an 80 percent tree survival rate.

Trees not germinated in secure environments have less than a 90 percent chance of survival in Africa.

MORE Systems:

  • Are free to view online: and
  • Promote biodiversity, strengthening the environment.
  • Offers low-cost organic food production with a positive footprint.
  • Regenerate the environment and natural resources while improving nutrition. 
  • Reduces food loss due to lack of cold storage by offering daily harvesting.
  • Provide food security with sustained year-round harvests in a safe space.
  • Cut costs by reducing or eliminating; packaging, shipping, middleman, food waste, labor, chemicals, pests, theft, drought, floods, upfront investment, and equipment.